We had Uncle Tom funeral on February 18th. It was a nice service at the Rupert Methodist Church that Gram put together. She did the obituary also and it mentioned how he especially loved spending time with his nieces and nephew (Lacey, Ashley, Blu, and myself). That was my favorite part. There was a church full and it was nice to see all the friends and family that care about Tom so much. The morning of the service Ashley, Bryce, Liam, Lacey, and I met at Grams house and we went over to the church together. Scotty and Tarbet left fire academy for the service and met us there. A friend of Tom's came up to Gram that morning and asked if he could read a poem that he had wrote for Tom. Not knowing what it was I was a little worried, but when he read it that is what got me. It was so special and so Tom. He did a great job writing it and I went up to him after and told him how wonderful that was and that I appreciated him for taking the time to do that. He said to thank God for it. :) We then went to the cemetery out by the farm and had a small service and prayer. Lacey had mentioned that she wished Tom was being buried by Kristi because they were always so close and raised hell together. I told her maybe that's why Grandma chose to have him buried next to Grandpa, so he could oversee the two of them. Ha ha! It's hard going out to the cemetery, but also nice to see that the family is all together and out by the farm. It's beautiful out there.
The ladies at the church made a wonderful meal and we all enjoyed each others company for a few more hours, then we went back to Grams house. Although the occasion was not a reason I would wish for us to come together, it was also a blessing because we were all together. Rocky and Cody, Mike and Suzanne, Natalie, and another cousin came from Arizona and California. Mom was able to come and even came back to Grams house for some good talks and laughs. We were all together and having a good time, the way Tom would like it. It was a special day. I sure miss Tom, I always have since he moved away years ago, and I sure will miss our crazy conversations over the phone. Love you Uncle Tom!