This is only the beginning...

September 30, 2011

Last Minute Trip

On Sunday, the 25th, we jumped in with Scotty and Lacey and headed to Jackpot.  They had tickets to Larry the Cable Guy and on Friday they begged us to tag along.  We were both lucky enough to take Monday off and jump in and go!  When we got down there, they hurried of to the concert.  Webb, Jenn, Joshlyn, and Bobby were also down and I'm pretty sure half of Rupert-Burley too.  Since Tarbet and I didn't have concert tickets we made our way to the buffet.  It was really good for a buffet and I would definitely go back.  After dinner we walked out to the concert and we really scored because we ended up watching most all of Larry the Cable Guy for free!  We stood right outside the grandstand entrance, we could see Larry the whole time, and we were right next to the concessions.

We spent the rest of the night hanging out with everyone and gambled a little.  Tarbet tried his hand at the tables, which confused the hell out of me, and I only spent $3 dollars all night in the machines and came out with $40+ and was extremely excited that I won that much.  Jenn had a free room that she wasn't using so we all stayed in it that night.  Thank-you Jenn! 

It was totally not planned for us to join in and go, but I'm so glad we had the opportunity to.  Last minute trips always turn out the funnest!  (:

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