This is only the beginning...

November 1, 2011

Happy Fall, Ya'll

This year I really slacked off on the gardening and didn't grow any of our own pumpkins.  So we made a run to the patch and picked up a few.  I love going to the pumpkin patch so I enjoyed it for a change.  A few days later we ventured out into a friends corn field and kicked out some to decorate with.  I tied them to the colomns on the front of our house, used my cute red pots but replaced the plants with pumpkins and corn husks, and added a few other decorations including my 4th of July star.  I think it turned out really fun and i love seeing it every night when I drive down the driveway.  Loving Fall!


  1. Oh my, I need to hire you to come and decorate my porch! Looks so cute. I looked back through lots of your posts, Liam is so cute, a year and I have not had a chance to see him for reals....only in picts.

  2. Thanks Ann! He is such a fun little kid, I wish he lived closer so I could see him more! :)
