This is only the beginning...

May 3, 2012

Time for a change of scenery....

After six years at Jones Farms I'm hitting the road. I gave my notice to them and the Retreat two weeks ago.  I have been keeping busy trying to get everything in order to leave Jones Farms for good and it has been a crazy last couple of weeks.  

Although I'm nervous because I'm leaving what has been my normal for the past 6 years, I think the opportunity is going to be something that I will be glad I took.  I am looking forward to more and better benefits, continuing to be around an agriculture based business, a shorter drive to work (it will be totally awesome if we ever move outside of Paul), and learning a new job.  Here's to Monday and my first day at my new job! 

May 1, 2012

Big Brother

I recently found out that I'm going to be an AUNT again!

Liam broke the news to me on a lunch date with Grandma Ginny, Lacey, and his parents. I am hoping for a girl to totally turn tom-boy but my bets are on another cute little boy, which is totally ok considering Liam is a pretty cool kid. :) I am excited for the next few months because we are expecting a couple new ones in the family. Blu & Jenna are expecting their first at the end of June (GIRL) and this little one will be showing face in November.