This is only the beginning...

August 22, 2011

Lawnmower Races-August 1st

The lawnmower races were so fun this year.  A lot of people came out for them too!  Since West End built a lawnmower and Steve Roberts got ahold of a couple others, Tarbet, Sutton, and Shane Murphy all rode them.
 The mowers need to be tuned up a bunch more to do better next year, but it was great having those guys out to represent West End.
Tarbet's Mower!


Bruce Brown & Randy Sutton
They also signed up for the "Bermuda Shorts Race" where the team has to put on shorts over there clothes, start the mower, and race around the track handing rings to the other teammates.  When they run out of rings, they have to de-pants and then the next teammates take turns.  Fun stuff and they were doing really well until the borrowed lawnmower decided to die off on them.  Bruce Brown and I went out to the middle of the track and enjoyed watching them!

Looking forward to next year!

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